

主营产品: 蜂窝板,铝蜂窝板,木纹铝蜂窝板,铝蜂窝芯,铝蜂窝复合板,蜂窝铝芯,蜂窝芯,蜂窝铝箔,铝蜂窝天花板,铝蜂窝隔断板,生态门蜂窝芯,铝蜂窝门芯,蜂窝门芯,铝蜂窝隔墙板,铝蜂窝橱柜板


所在地区:广东省 佛山市


企业简介 详情+

芯合建材塑造全新品牌视觉形象, Xin he Building material Shaping the visual image of brand new brand 芯合建材是一家座落于国级建材产业基地佛山高新工业开发区内的智能制造有限公司, Xin he Building material is a national building materials industry base in Foshan High-tech Industrial Development Zone in the Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 该公司是中国最早进入建材行业业务和拥有专业优质生产铝蜂窝填充建材技术产品的企业,产品运用于高层建筑、政府办公大楼、车站、高铁站、室内装饰、隔断、各种生态门填充、天花幕墙 等行业客户领域得到了广泛应用, The company is the first to enter the Chinese building materials industry business and professional production of high quality aluminum honeycomb filling material technology products, products used in high-rise buildings, government office buildings, railway stations, high-speed rail station, interior decoration, door, ceiling curtain wall filled with various ecological etc.The field of industry customers has been widely used. 芯合建材(佛山)有限公司连续多年被认定为国家规划布局内重点支持企业、国家高新技术企业、佛山高新生态工业区骨干企业、重信用守合同企业、省级安全技术防范一级企业,获得9001’2008体系认证,2011年被认定为“广东省创新型试点企业”,10来年的积累使芯合建材产品稳定及技术可靠性更加稳定,领域新型建材开发与服务的龙头企业,也是世界智能科技制造的倡行者。 BXin he uilding materials (Foshan) Co., Ltd.For many years been identified as state planning key support enterprises, national high-tech enterprise, Foshan hi tech Industrial Zone ecological backbone enterprises, Shou contract re credit enterprises, the provincial security technology to guard against an enterprise, won the 9001 "2008 system certification, in 2011 was recognized as" innovative pilot enterprises in Guangdong province ", 10 years of accumulation the core of building materials products stable technology reliability and more stable, the field of new building material development and service enterprises, is a world-class intelligent technology manufacturing advocate

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联系人: 成远禄  (销售部经理 (QQ:278894188)

